Thursday, June 27, 2013

Hey sorry I haven't been on here in awhile i lost my password lol but today I am going to talk to you all about something that is near and dear to my heart, Marijuana legalization. Today most people (otherwise known as the unenlightened ones) will tell you that Marijuana is a dangerous, evil, nasty plant that needs destroyed. However i ask them, did you know that you don't smack your wife when you smoke pot, instead you hug her, I ask them did you know that you're bound to live longer when you smoke pot, compared to the death rate alone of anything that has to deal with Alcohol, did you know that you drive more safely than when you drink. Marijuana has tons of good uses mainly being psychological, however did you know that it can help cure cancer, that there people is one of the major key factors of the reason why the government made it illegal besides the fact that the corporations feared the millions of uses it had such as making rope and paper. I have to make this post short but I ask you, WHO DECIDES WHAT WE PUT INTO OUR BODIES, the government or US, if we legalize on a national scale and start producing crops almost immediately our national debt will be eliminated, our industry will come back, and it will add the millions of dollars that was spent by the DEA and the police force to make arrests back into our economy. Ladies and gentlemen its time to make our voices heard, its time to legalize. 420 for life, stay safe, stay loving, stay high

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