Thursday, January 30, 2014

Colorado is going to run out of Marijuana

Is anyone aware that Colorado is going to run out of weed? With everyone around the country planning "Hiking Trips" into Colorado and everyone who actually lives in the state buying marijuana by the ounce I'm surprised the DEA isn't declaring martial law in Colorado VIA the government and sweeping door to door arresting everyone. But hey COLORADO LEGALIZED NOW PENNSYLVANIA SHOULD BE NEXT HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Diseases that weed can cure

Well today i thought id do a post on what diseases marijuana can help fight I'm not a doctor and you should consult with your "medical professional" before making a major health decision

Did any of you know that marijuana can help someone with HIV/AIDS. What it does is it help stimulate the need for food aka MUNCHIES. People with HIV tend to eat less and marijuana helps with making them extremely hungry.

Marijuana can help with or even cure Glaucoma. What it does is it relieves the internal pressure that the eye is put through and relieves the pain.

Marijuana can help because it is known that some cancer medications can make people extremely sick and so does the radiation that is supposed to cure it (SUBJECTING PEOPLE TO A MINI NUKE IS JUST A STUPID CURE LIKE WTF). Marijuana can even slow down the progress of a few types of cancer.


Marijuana can help people with these conditions due to the uplifting feeling that Marijuana gives the people who are enlightened enough to use it.

Here is a link with where i got my info from enjoy yourself

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Hey everyone its me i havent been on here in awhile ive been busy with work and everything but as you all know im all about stealth grow boxes. if you ask me whoever came up with the idea should get a freakin medal of honor for his service to society as a whole. Well for awhile ive been combing youtube looking for some of the best grow boxes out there, there were some that were so improvised that you might thing that they would burst into flames in any minute. Then there were the grow boxes that even if the DEA came through your house looking for your grow op they would shit themselves because they would have no such luck finding your stash. So for the post today I will show you the videos Ive found of the Boxes that grow our most beloved herb out there, Marijuana.

Right Here We Have the Good Ole PC Grow Box which i found on YouTube uploaded by Bile420420. In all basics what you see here is what on the outside of the grow box looks like a normal computer, but on the inside it is what i personally refer to as ORGASMIC CANNABIS HEAVEN. It in all basics is a computer gutted computer and what looks like is some of the original electrical components in it to power the lighting and fan equipment, essentially a compact grow box that is easily disguised in case of POLICE. However since the smell would be a dead giveaway i give it a 7/10 for the creative design and a two thumbs up for the beautiful plants that it produced.

 Ladies and Gentlemen what we have here is a beautiful plant but what is even more amazing is the dresser that was modified to house it. What we see here is a Stealth Grow Box made out of a dresser, it comes equipped with CFL bulbs what looks like and intake fan on the left, a thermometer, a dehumidifier on the right, and a small container in the back for what I'm going to guess is the seedlings. This is one hell of a setup here and i give it a 9/10 for the ingenuity it took to make this grow box here and a huge shout out to Benji Baws who created this grow box here and has honestly given me my inspirational moment for the day.

Ladies and Gentlemen i think we found the winner of the 420 it "it takes balls to use this grow box" reward. What we have here has to be one of the most flammable grow boxes in existence this thing is so flammable you could try to piss the fire out and it just gets worse. However the intelligence and knowledge it took to make this box is not only a testament to how much us potheads love Marijuana, but a testament to BUD SMOKER INGENUITY for this box proves that we can make our grow boxes out of anything and anywhere. So i give this grow box a 10/10 for being so awesome and proving that us potheads are just as smart, if not smarter than our unenlightened brethren. Mad shout out to magickushbeans who created this box.

So everyone I end this post with my usual saying Stay Safe, Stay Loving, Stay High.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Reasons Why Marijuana Was Made Illegal And Why It Needs To Be Legalized Again

Well my friends I am back with another post. Today I am going to tell you the real reasons why marijuana was made illegal
1. The plant could be used to end our need on fossil fuels. Marijuana or cannabis as it is known to the majority of the public has the potential to satisfy the country's oil and gas needs and therefore will totally end our need for fossil fuels. Hence this is one of the reasons it remains illegal to this day.
2. It causes people to become peaceful and non violent. That fact can easily be validated by anyone who smokes weed.
3. Marijuana can satisfy the need for raw materials for hundreds of known cures for diseases and can satisfy the raw material needed to make paper, fibers for clothing, and even construction materials.

I know this post is short but i hope these little fun facts will open your eyes a little bit to whats going on. What you need to realize is that governments don't exists, only the corporations that back them. If marijuana became legal again like it once was, the majority of the corporations will go out of business, hence the reason why marijuana is illegal. Its time to legalize, even if it takes one mind changed at a time. Until next time Stay Safe, Stay Loving, Stay High.

Monday, July 1, 2013

THE MOST AWESOME GROW BOX EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Well I promised it and now im sharing with you one of the innermost of my secrets. This here is one of the best methods of growing Marijuana secretly. It is called the dresser grow box AND LADIES AND GENTLEMEN IT IS AWESOME!!!!!!!! This grow box to build it yourself will only cost $150 and it will produce 5-6 ounces of quality weed every sixty days. However this secret is not my own but it is a secret that my friends have been asking that I am willing to share with you.

This right here fellas is the link for the grow box and all construction materials. This will tell you how to build one of these bad boys from start to finish and like i said 5-6 OUNCES OF KICK ASS BUD how could you go wrong. This design here is for a perpetual cloning system that if managed properly you will have all the bud you will ever need. Whether its to smoke or to sell this here will make your life so much easier. This design which I originally found it on was authored by ThisBuds4U which i have mad respect for him posting this godsend of a page. Here is the link that I'm going to grace you all with. Remember before you start growing it is heavily advisable to know your local or state law when it comes to growing bud. Just remember though keep your op on the down low if you live in a state that does not allow the growing of a MEDICINAL PLANT <-------(pure truth). 
This here is the link---------->
happy growing and remember my saying: Stay Safe, Stay Loving, And Stay High

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Hey sorry I haven't been on here in awhile i lost my password lol but today I am going to talk to you all about something that is near and dear to my heart, Marijuana legalization. Today most people (otherwise known as the unenlightened ones) will tell you that Marijuana is a dangerous, evil, nasty plant that needs destroyed. However i ask them, did you know that you don't smack your wife when you smoke pot, instead you hug her, I ask them did you know that you're bound to live longer when you smoke pot, compared to the death rate alone of anything that has to deal with Alcohol, did you know that you drive more safely than when you drink. Marijuana has tons of good uses mainly being psychological, however did you know that it can help cure cancer, that there people is one of the major key factors of the reason why the government made it illegal besides the fact that the corporations feared the millions of uses it had such as making rope and paper. I have to make this post short but I ask you, WHO DECIDES WHAT WE PUT INTO OUR BODIES, the government or US, if we legalize on a national scale and start producing crops almost immediately our national debt will be eliminated, our industry will come back, and it will add the millions of dollars that was spent by the DEA and the police force to make arrests back into our economy. Ladies and gentlemen its time to make our voices heard, its time to legalize. 420 for life, stay safe, stay loving, stay high